The Logistics Museum (Bảo Tàng Hậu Cần) in Hanoi is home to extensive collections of war memorabilia, such as uniforms, war keepsakes, and thousands of documents and photographs. Many of the items on the displays were donated by historical witnesses, including Senior Colonel Nguyen Viet Chien, who is the former director of the museum.
One of the most impressive collections inside the Logistics Museum are the uniforms of Colonel Dang Xuan Dieu, who fought along with many peers in the war with the U.S. The museum’s ultimate goal is to educate kids, current military troops, and visitors about Vietnam’s patriotism and revolutionary traditions.
Address: Nhân Mỹ, Từ Liêm, Hà Nội
Season: Year-round
Google Search: Logistics Museum in Ha Noi